英语小短文带翻译第十四章What one cannot see is called blank

What one cannot see is called blank; what one cannot hear is called vain; what one cannot touch is called null.
These three cannot be distinguished, hence blurred as one thing. When begun, it was undivided, once done, it was not obscure. It extends, hard to describe, and returns to nothing. It is called form of no form, icon of no icon, called  being of non-being. To greet it, you don't see its head; to follow it, you don't see its rear. If you catch the beginning with the Word, you can rein things today, thus you know how it was and is. This is guide to the Word.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)