充满热情Gain Your Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is energetic, passionate, happy and powerful. By using the following tools, you can increase your enthusiasm and enjoy a rich and happy life.
Make a list of all the good things in your life. You could pick a topic as broad as improving life itself or as narrow as eating more bananas. Push yourself to think of at least ten topics. Have fun with it by coming up with new topics in the future.
Enthusiasm requires action. Learn from cheer leaders3 by jumping up and down and shouting. duanwenw.com Get your body moving and laugh more. Once you do this, you are more likely to become enthusiastic.
Remember that strength is something you like to do and do well. You might be a talented pianist, but if you don’t enjoy it, it’s not a strength. Whatever your particular strength is, if you can use it to accomplish something you enjoy, you will become more enthusiastic.
It is possible to want or focus on something too much, and then get disappointed and lose enthusiasm after failing to achieve it. duanwenw.com We ask ourselves why we worked towards that goal in the first place. If a goal is really important to us, we will pick it up again naturally, often without the thought which killed our enthusiasm last time.

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