生活的智慧Life Wisdom

经典英语短文阅读:Let me simplify everything inspirational that has been written —just to capture the true essence of it all.

Everything happens for a reason, even when you don’t know what the reason is. If you get a chance, take it; if it changes your life, let it. Embrace change. It will let you reach greater heights. Sometimes things need to fall in order to rise again.

Love deeply, and forgive quickly. Put your heart in everything you do, so that you’ll have no regrets. Appreciate all that feels good, and learn from everything that hurts. Hating is a waste of time. Smile even when you are sad. Apologize when you should, and let go when holding on becomes senseless. duanwenw.com You don’t need to speak loudly to be heard, only to speak from your heart. Stay humble no matter how great you think you are. Love what you have, and never forget what you have. Always forgive, but don’t try to forget. Learn from your mistakes. People can change, and things can go wrong, but remember that life goes on. Life is about taking chances, expanding your horizon and creating moments to treasure.

Strength, courage and wisdom are just some of the gifts you get from overcoming suffering. duanwenw.com Thank the people who treat you right and surround yourself with those who support your most glorious dreams. Nobody said that life would be easy; they just promised that it would be worth it.

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