励志英语短文:自己主宰的一天An Empowered Day

If you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself, you have discovered a valuable opportunity. You can transform the negative energy of self-pity into positive energy to improve your situation.

When you have been disappointed by life, take a step back and look at the positive value in that disappointment. duanwenw.com You have a powerful reason to become more determined than ever before.

Life has its ups and its downs. And you can choose to benefit from both.

Success is not a matter of having everything go your way. Success comes from choosing to find the value in whichever way things go.

Don’t waste your time and energy making judge ments about whether you are having a good day or a bad day. Decide to take whatever comes and make it into an empowered day.

Whatever form it takes, life is always supplying you with the raw material for fulfilment4.Make good use of it all to move your life steadily in the direction of your dreams.    

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