坚持不懈Keep Going

Even when the road gets rough, you can keep going.

A disappointing result will stop you only if you assume that it is supposed to stop you. However, you can just assume that all your results are encouraging you to keep going. After all, when you’re getting results of any kind, you’re making a difference. If the results are not the ones you like, duanwenw.com  you can make small changes to your efforts and greatly improve the results.

Many things are simply not going to happen with just one attempt, three or even a dozen attempts. Yet any thing becomes possible with enough persistence. Keep going, and allow your efforts to build on one another. Keep going, and turn your disappointments into achievements.

You have what it takes to keep going, because all it ever takes is just one more step forward. Keep going, and work your way steadily to the richest rewards you can imagine.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)