我不这麽认为I Don’t Think So

After a visit to the circus, Geoff and Don were discussing the thrills and marvels they had seen.  “I didn’t think much of the knife-thrower, did you?” said Geoff.
看过马戏表演后,杰阿夫和丹在讨论他们所看到的惊险刺激。 “我认为那个飞刀手不怎么样,你呢?”杰阿夫说。
I thought he was great! enthused Don. “Well I didn’t,”said Geoff,  “He kept chucking those knifes at that girl, but he didn’t  hit her once.
“我认为他很棒呀!” 丹激动地说。 “我可不认为。”杰阿夫说, “他不断地冲那个女孩子扔刀子,却一次也没击中。”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)