
A member of a military band came to the surgeon with a throatache.
 “Let me see your throat. Oh, that’s not so bad. You’ll be all right in a day or two. I think you had better rest a little for a week or so.” And with these words the surgeon gave the man sick-leave.
“让我看看你的喉咙。噢, 情况不是那么糟糕,一两天就好。我建议你最好休息一个星期左右。”说完,医生就给那个医生开了病假条。
A week later the surgeon met the bandsman in the street. “How’s your throat?” he duanwenw.com asked “It’s quite all right now, sir,” was the surgeon. “You can go back to your duty now. By the way. What instrument do you play in the band?” The small drum, sir!” said the bandsman.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)