金色酒吧Golden Bar

A man comes home late one night, drunk. 
“Where have you been?” asks his wife. “In the golden bar! They have golden chairs golden glasses, golden beer, and a golden urinal!” This sounds awfully suspicious to the wife, who calls the Golden Bar.
“Do you have golden chairs?  “Yes.”  “Do you have golden glasses?”  “Yes.”  “Do you have golden beer?”  “Yes.”  Do you have golden urinal?”  “Hold on.” On the other end, she hears, “Jake, I think we have a line on the guy who pissed in your saxophone.”
 “你们有金色椅子吗?”“是的” “你们有金色玻璃杯?”  “是的。”“你们有金色啤酒?”“是的”“你们有金色尿壶吗?”“等等”在电话那一头她听到,“杰克,我想我们找到那个在你的萨克斯管里撒尿的家伙了。”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)