成语故事:画蛇添足Adding feet to a Snake

One day, a man was going to have a drink, He wanted to have a drink with his friends. He took out a bottle of wine, “Let’s draw a snake, the person who finishes first can drink first.” “OK.”
After some time, the man finished drawing his snake. He looked around, everyone was still drawing. He thought he could add some feet to the snake. He began to draw them. Just then, one of his friends finished drawing his snake too,” I finished drawing my snake, so, I can drink first,
He picked up the bottle.
 “Excuse me, I think I’m first.”
 “What are doing now?” his friend asked him.
 “I’m adding feet to my snake.”
 “No, you are wrong. Snakes have no feet at all. Look at mine please, my snake is different from something with feet.” The friend asked the other men, “Whose snake is more life-like?”
 “So, I’m first, I can drink first. Ha! Ha! Ha!”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)