心口如一 He said what he meant

A gentleman was very proud of his spoiled daughter, He thought his daughter would make a great pianist, He paid much for her piano lessons, but none of the teachers stayed on with the job. The girl was too lazy.
One day the gentlemen invited George Bernard Shaw to dinner. He wanted the great writer to listen to his daughter play the piano, and he hoped the famous man would put in a word of admiration.
As soon as Shaw arrived, the girl started playing the piano. She played and played, but Shaw said nothing as if he hadn’t heard anything. At last the disappointed girl stopped. “Am I bothering you, sir?” she asked.
“Oh, not at all,” said Shaw. “You know, I once worked in a weaving factory.”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)