亚里士多德对亚历山大的忠告Aristotle’s Advice to Alexander

We read that Alexander, the great, was the follower of Aristotle, from whose instructions he got the greatest advantage. What was the most, he asked his master what would profit himself, and at the same time be serviceable to others.

Aristotle answered, “My son, hear with attention; and if you accept my advice, you duanwenw.com will arrive at the greatest honors. There are seven distinct points to be remembered. First , you do not overcharge the balance. Secondly, you do not feed a fire with the sword, Thirdly, stress not the crown; nor, fourthly, eat the heart of a little bird. Fifthly, when you have taken the right road, never turn from it. Sixthly, walk not in the high road; and, seventhly, do not allow a talkative duanwenw.com swallow to possess your eaves.”

The king carefully considered the meaning of these puzzling directions; and observing them, experienced their utility in his following years.

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