感恩英语短文:说"谢谢"Say Thank You

We love hearing the words "Thank you".
There is something delightful, magical and joyful in these words. They carry with the wonderful power to uplift a heart, brighten a day and fill a soul with happiness. They always connect us one to another with their beauty and strengthen the bonds between us.
We are happy to hear our friends tell us "Thank you" when we do something for them. We are glad whenever we hear the beautiful music of these blessed words from our relatives or even strangers. These words always remind us that we are still helping others and making the world duanwenw.com a better and more loving place with the thousands of little things we do every day.
Try to say "Thank you" whenever we can. Make these words around us and make all the people we meet know that we are grateful for the good things they do, the kindness they share and the help they give. Each one of us is a wonderful soul who is capable of sharing love and joy in our lives. We all deserve a "Thank You" now and then.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)