英语经典短文:我们都是天使We Are Angels

Each one of us has the qualities of an angel within us.
We just don’t choose to use them, share them or grow stronger in them. Look deep within yourself. Look down to the core of your feelings. Look past the pains and scars of your thoughts in your soul.
If you look deeply enough, you will see the angelic love and joy that still lies within you. It is up to you to choose this love and joy, bring it out of yourself and share it with the world.
We are all angels. We are all children of life. We are all human beings of love and light. We can deny this truth, or we can welcome it into our hearts, minds and souls.
We can forget who we really are, or we can become the wonderful, glorious1people life meant for us to be. We can live in misery and despair, or we can spread love and joy in our lives.
We can ignore the angel within us, or we can be an angel on earth.

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