谈判的艺术The art of negotiation

There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation, and, in particular, into what makes a “good” negotiator.
One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation. They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their counterpart, so that there will be a willingness to----on both sides---to make concessions, if this should prove necessary.
Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the interests of both sides. They therefore tend to take a long-term view, ensuring that the agreement will improve, or at least not harm, their relation with the other party. On the other hand, a poor negotiator tends to look for immediate gains, forgetting that the real benefits of a deal may come much later.
Skillful negotiators are flexible. They do not “lock themselves” into a position so that they will not lose face if they have to compromise. They have a range of objectives, so thus allowing themselves to make concessions, for example, “ I aim to buy this machine for 2000$ “ and not “ I must buy it for 2000$. Poor negotiators have limited objectives, and may not even work out a “fall –back” position.
 Successful negotiators don’t want a negotiation to break down. If problems arise, they suggest ways of resolving them. The best negotiators are persuasive, articulate people, who select a few key arguments and repeat them. This suggests that tenacity is an important quality.
Finally, it is essential to be a good listener and check frequently that everything has been understood by both sides.
There are some hints on negotiating below, which may be helpful to you.
Research  Try to find as much as you can about your counterpart and make sure you prepare properly. Taking into consideration the personality and position of him/her, as well as your own strengths and weakness.  The less you prepare, the more you will be at a disadvantage and the less likely you will be to achieve a satisfactory outcome.
调查    尽可能多地寻找关于谈判对手的信息,并确保自己已经有了最充分的准备。要考虑到谈判对手的个性和地位,以及自己的优势和劣势。你准备的越是充分,你的优势就会更大,这样你就会获得更加满意的结果。
Objective  Try to take a long term-view and decide on a range ofobjectives so that you can be more flexible and offer more alternatives during the negotiation itself. Remember you are looking for a win-win situation of benefit to both parties, thus paving way for further deals in the future.
目标   以长远的眼光看问题,并且制定一系列的目标。这样,在谈判的过程中你才会更加的灵活,才可能有更多的选择。记住,你是要新招一种对双方都有利的状况,从而为将来的进一步合作铺平道路。
Limits    Decide what your sticking point(s) must be and why. Knowing your negotiating limits and their reasons will help you negotiate more confidently and comfortably.
底限  確定你应该坚持的观点以及为什么要坚持。了解你的谈判底限和原因会使你在谈判中更加自信和轻松。
Rapport   Try to establish a good rapport with your counterpart from the moment you first meet, whether or not you already know each other. Some general “social talk” is a good ice-breaker and bridge-builder in this respect.
和谐    不管你是否认识对方,在第一次见面的是后继牡蛎创造一种和谐。一些普遍的“社会谈话”是很好的打破僵局和建立桥梁的工具。
Attitude  Be constructive not destructive ---- treat your counterpart with respect ,sensitivity and tact, and try to avoid an atmosphere of conflict. This will create a feeling of harmony and goodwill, which should encourage a willingness to compromise and ultimately lead to a productive negotiation. 
态度   要有建设性,而不是破坏性。对你的谈判对手要尊重,敏感,灵或,并且避免冲突。这样就会建立一种和谐的环境,醋精合作的意愿,从而有助于折中,并且最终会达成有效的谈判。
Approach   Keep your objectives in mind and try to keep a clear head. This will help you to concentrate on your key points. Listening attentively at every stage of your negotiation and try to resist the temptation to introduce new arguments all the time.
方法    牢记心中的目标,保持头脑的清醒。这样会使你集中精力于自己的重点问题。在谈判的每一个阶段都要认真的听,并要尽力抵制新的争论焦点的引入。
Flexibility   Be prepared to consider a range of alternatives and try to make creative suggestions for resolving any problems. Be prepared to make concessions and compromise, if necessary, to avoid deadlock but don’t be pushed beyond your sticking point.
灵活性    准备好一系列的选择,尽力提出解决问题的创造性的意见。在需要的时候,做好妥协和折中的准备,以避免陷入僵局。不要脱离自己应该坚持的底限。
Language   Be simple and clear. There is no point complicating a difficult task with difficult language. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand. It is vital to avoid any misunderstanding that might harm to the success of your negotiation.
语言  用语要简单清楚。没有必要使用复杂的语言,那样会使复杂的问题更加的复杂。尽量避免不利于谈判成功的误解是至关重要的。
Confirmation  Summarize and review your progress at regular internals during the negotiation . write a follow-up letter to confirm in writing the points agreed during your negotiation and clarify any outstanding matters, if necessary, clarify any misunderstanding.   
确认  在在谈判中断的时候要回顾检验谈判的进展。写下一份总结以,确认谈判中双发达成的共识,明确一些重要的问题,并在必要的时候明确双方的误解。

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