减了又肥的四个原因(二)Four reasons for people cycli

减肥时,我们没有思考We don’t keep our head in the game

For a range of reasons, somewhere along the way we lose it mentally and emotionally. And when the discipline, the self-control and the can-do attitude go ut the window, so does the new and improved body. Pity. We know that what happens below the shoulders is driven by what happens above them, so for most of us, mastering our mind is the key to mastering our body. Creating life-long change ain’t about carbohydrate, protein shakes, duanwenw.com treadmills or pump classed, it’s about what’s happening between our ears. I know that this is message I share regularly but it still seems to be missed and/or overlooked by the masses; fix the head to fix the body. Do whatever you need to do. To maintain focus. Commitment and momentum over the long term. And as for that whole “it takes thirty days t create a new habit” thing… crap. As years of destructive behaviors, habits and thinking in thirty days. As is often the case, the theory and the reality don’t actually merge.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
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