英语美文:十月的日出An October Sunrise

He was up the next morning before the October sunrise, through the wild woodland.
The rising of the sun seemed noble with its mixture of cold and warmth.
Watching the light spread through the sky, he noticed the beauty of the gray duanwenw.com  mountain and the trees. Beneath his gaze1, the dew2 fogs dipped and crept3 to the hollow4 places, and then moved away together, stopping for a moment at the corners where rocks hung over the grassland, while the brave lines of the hills became clearer, one after another.
The woods began to show their colors. Autumn’s gentle hand was upon them. They were covered with gold and red and olive, just waiting for the sun to shower them with light. Then, before the clouds of dew in the woods could clear themselves, the gentle light leaped over hill and valley, casting blue, duanwenw.com purple, and a little rich red rose into the sky. 然后就在林中的晨雾消退之前,突然,那令人愉悦的光芒跳过丘陵和山谷,向空中射出了蓝、紫以及华丽的玫瑰红。
树木逐渐显现出它们的颜色。秋用温柔的手抚摩着它们。它们被点缀着金色,红色和橄榄色,英语短文它们等待着阳光洒满全身。The light, bright and strong, sent the cold and the darkness away and added every color of the rainbow to the world. Then life and joy awoke from every space and corner. Every flower, bud and bird came to life to welcome the new day.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)