
经典英语短文带翻译:Although people are born to win, they are also born helpless and totally dependent on their environment.

Winners are able to successfully make the change from total helplessness to independence, and then to interdependence. Losers do not. Somewhere along the line they begin to avoid becoming self-responsible.

Few people are total winners or losers. Most of them are winners in some areas of their lives and losers in others. duanwenw.com Their winning or losing is often influenced by what happens to them in childhood. A lack of attention to their needs, poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, diseases, continuing disappointment and inadequate physical care are among the factors that can contribute to making people losers. Such experiences interrupt or prevent the normal progression toward autonomy and self-actualization.

A loser holds back his or her capacity to express him or herself spontaneously and appropriately. He or she may be unaware of other options in life if the path he or she chooses goes nowhere. The loser is afraid of trying new things and tries to change his or her own situation as little as possible. Furthermore, he or she is a repeater; he or she repeats not only his or her own mistakes, but also those of his or her family and culture.

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