英语美文:在海边At the Edge of the Sea

The shore is an ancient world. Yet it is a world in itself, and each time I enter it, I gain new awareness of its beauty and deeper meaning.

The shore makes me think of a pool hidden within a cave. One can visit it rarely and briefly, when the tide allows one, and perhaps that is what gives it some of its special beauty.

One day I got up early, hoping for a glimpse of the pool.
海边美景英语短文带翻译:在海边At the Edge of the Sea

The tide was to be on the ebb early in the morning. When I looked out, the sky was full of gray dawn light, duanwenw.com  but the sun had not yet risen. Across the bay the moon was a luminous1 disc in the western sky, suspended above the dim line of the distant shore. A gull flew by above the spruces. Later, as I stood near the entrance to the pool, I saw rosy light appearing in the sky. From the base of the rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge stuck into deep water. The ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell rolled smoothly over the rim of the rock. But the intervals4 between such swells were long enough for me to see the cave.

The moment I looked into the cave, a little spider was coming down, suspended by a thread. It reached down to touch its own reflection, duanwenw.com making itself seem not to be one spider, but two. The beauty of the reflected images, and of the pool itself, was the beauty of things that are ephemeral5, existing only until the sea would return to fill the little cave again.

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