把握今天,活在当前Seize the Day and Live for the Momen

Are you someone who says the following phrases a lot? "In a minute", "I will do it later" or "I’ll do it tomorrow".

If you are, please remove them from your vocabulary immediately and seize the day! Why?duanwenw.com Because we never know how much time we have left —and it’s important we use every single bit of it!

Your children are only babies and young for one moment! Take pictures! Make videos! Get on the ground and play with them! Avoid saying, "No", "As soon as I’m done" or any other delays.

Be a good friend! Make visits! Make calls! Send cards! Offer help! And be sure you let your friends know how much they mean to you!

Be the best son or daughter you can! Just as with your friends —reach out whenever possible! Let your parents know how much you love them!

Be a great pet owner! Make sure you give lots of attention to them and show them lots of love!

And last, but not least —let go of negativity! duanwenw.com Don’t waste even one second on hateful or negative feelings! Let it all go and live of the moment— not for the past! Be sure to live every second as if it were your last!

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)