从不对自己恶言相向Never Speak Badly of Yourself

Have you ever been given a compliment, then found yourself contradicting it, and running yourself down? Your friend might say “You look beautiful in those jeans”, and you might answer, “I’d look better if I lost some weight.” Before long you’re telling yourself how fat and ugly you are and why you’re never going to lose weight.

Why do you want to do this to yourselves? Your friend gave you a genuine compliment that was meant to make you feel good about yourself, duanwenw.com but you twisted it, and ended up making both you and your friend feel bad. What you should have done was to accept the compliment graciously and enjoy it. Isn’t it great when someone notices how good you’re looking?
英语短文带翻译:从不对自己恶言相向Never Speak Badly of Yourself

One of my golden rules is never to speak badly of myself. duanwenw.com Others speaking badly of me is not something I can control; but it’s easy to control what I say about myself. If you speak badly of yourself, the negative words become negative thoughts and may lead to negative actions. In order to be loved, you need to love yourself first. There is no way for you to love yourself if you’re speaking badly of yourself. You really need to work on this, since it’s really important to think well of yourself.

There’s no need to go around blowing your own trumpet, but stop running yourself down!

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