书,带给我快乐Books Bring Me Joy

Grand hopes exist in books; deep thoughts are carried in them. With complete freedom and endless intoxication1 I have explored the ocean of printed knowledge.
A good book is similar to a plentiful spiritual dinner that nourishes the reader in many different ways. Books teach me courage, patience and forgiveness.
Like a thirsty bird, I hungrily drink the drops of knowledge, which sustain my flight to each knowable place. I fly in the sky, with the blessings of the breeze and the company of the sun setting beyond the horizon.
I am a pure and perfect snowflake when I fall into the world of books. My heart is cleaned and my soul is elevated. It is now fully exposed to the boundless nobility streaming from the pages. When all the virtues become fully understood and grow like fruits inside me, I will fall like snowflakes. I will land on the branches and rooftops to dress the world in white for people to see and feel.
I am sailing down endless waterways like a floating boat. I work hard in the waves of knowledge to feel the wonder of Statue of Liberty, the romance of the Eiffel Tower, the mystery of the Pyramids and the larger-than-life energy of Russia. I can only glimpse each of them through the window of books.
Remember: books are able to bring you endless joy.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)