
Contentment is such a rare state of mind that even the wisest men sometimes find it difficult to get. There is no end to what the heart can desire. We may never have all that we want, and we will always be unhappy if we can’t be satisfied with what we already have.

We foolishly ignore our loved one to search for more material possessions, duanwenw.com only to find the joy it brings is temporary. We may lose that loved one we have ignored. We never can tell what will happen tomorrow, so appreciate and treasure people and things around us now.

Disappointment comes when we can’t get what we have desired or expected. The way to happiness is to learn how to control our human desires, especially the desire to have more.

Someone once said that the constant preoccupation with desires is a sure road to misery. Don’t seek for wealth or riches. Instead, seek to be content.

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