珍惜所拥有的Find Goodness in What You Have

Happiness is being where you want to be and doing what you want to be doing. As such, happiness requires nothing more than an adjustment in your attitude.

Wherever you may be, you can quickly and easily be where you want to be. What-ever you are doing, duanwenw.com you can immediately be what you want to be doing.

You will never be happy by wishing for what you do not have. You can always be happy by accepting and seeing the goodness in what you do have.

It is essential to have dreams and goals for the future, yet your dreams will not make you happy in the present. In fact, it is your happiness that will bring the reality of your dreams into the present.

What you have is what you have, so make the very most of it. Be happy and thankful, duanwenw.com and you will be living at your highest level of effectiveness.

See the goodness and value in your very own experience of here and now. Be happy now, and in your happiness you will find and fulfil the best of who you are.

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