优美英语短文:十月之湖October Lake

The October leaves have fallen on the lake.

On bright and calm days they lie in thousands on the now darkening water. Most of them are the yellow leaves of poplars, which shake even in the windless air.

On rainy days, or after rain, these leaves seem to swim or be driven away, and nothing remains to break the surface of the lake except the olive-yellow leaves of lily pads. Now the lilies also have gone — the yellow small-headed kind that in bud are like swimming snakes. And the reeds are going, woven1 by wind and frost into untidy basket islands.

All summer, in this world of water lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a confused life. There was no place for them to swim, and all day they could be seen walking daintily, heads slightly aside and slightly down, across the lily-hidden water. They were as confused by the world of leaves as they had been in winter by the world of ice.

On the clearer water they are more active. The lake is long and unbroken except for two small islands. The birds fly up and down happily, just like small black seaplanes. Besides them, the arrival of the wild ducks, at much higher speed, is almost majestic. The necks of the drakes shine like royal green satin.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)