死地不是时候Die in the Prime Time

One winter Roderiek had very little money.
His crops had been very bad that year, and he had to live very cheaply. He gaveduanwenw.com  his donkey less food, and when after two days the donkey looked just the same, he said to himself, “The donkey was used to eating a lot. Now he is quickly getting used to eating less;and soon he will get used to living on almost nothing.”
他地庄稼碰上了灾年。 因此他只能节俭度日。 他喂给驴子地食物也少了,两天后,驴子看起来还是一样,他自言自语道:“驴子过去吃得很多,现在它很快就习惯吃得很少了,不久它就会习惯不吃东西了。 ”
Each day Roderick gave the donkey a little less food, until it was hardly eating anything.
罗德里克每天给驴子的食物逐渐减少。 直到不再喂它任何东西。
Then one day, when the donkey was going to market with a load of wood on its back, it suddenly died. “How unlucky I am,” said Roderick. “Just when my donkey had got used to eating hardly anything, it came to the end of its days in this world.”
一天。 当罗德里克让驴子驮着一些干柴去赶集时。 驴子忽然死了。 “我是多么不幸啊,”罗德里克说。 “就在驴子可以不吃东西地时候,它却走到了生命的尽头。 ”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)