所以一定是悲剧So it must be a tragedy

Clinton was visiting a grade school when he decided to observe a 4th grade English class.
The class was reviewing word definitions and the teacher asked Mr. Clinton if he would like to give the class a word for them to define. Bill obliges and chooses to challenge the class with the word tragedy. A little boy raises his hand and says a tragedy would be if Johnny were run over by a car and died. "No," says Bill, "that would be called an accident." A little girl raises her hand and says that a tragedy would be if a busload of children went off a cliff. "No," says Bill, "that would be called a great loss."
同学们在复习定义单词,老师建议克林顿总统给一个单词让同学定义。克林顿同意了,并且决定用“悲剧”来为难一下同学们。一个小男孩儿举起手说悲剧就是乔尼被车撞死了。“不”,克林顿说,“那是一次事故。” 一个小女孩儿举起手说悲剧是一车儿童掉下了悬崖。“不”,克林顿说,“那是一种巨大损失。”
The children become discouraged and nobody wants to try anymore until one little girl from the back of the room raises her hand and tells the President that she knows what a tragedy is. She tells him that a tragedy would be if he and Mrs. Clinton were flying in Air Force One and it was shot down and they died.
"Yes, "says Mr Clinton, "that is correct. How did you know."
"Well," says the little girl "It was certainly no accident and it was no great loss, so it must be a tragedy."

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)