

《Shit My Dad Says》是一本由Halpern, Justin著作,100.00元出版的2010-6图书,本书定价:185,页数:,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。《Shit My Dad Says》精选点评:●这样有趣的作者在好莱坞也没打拼出来, 美国是人才太多还是上升渠道太狭窄●"fuck, shit , goddamn it " 用法大全,作为一本如厕用书它已经表现相当不错了!加一星给老爹!●俚语口语一堆,文字短小,斜歪沙发就可以看上一段●http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/11609198.html hahahahaha●I enjoy very much reading this book! Can't imagine a better thing a dad can say to his son:" You are a pain in the ass, but I love you."●此爹只应天上有~●interesting!●很好笑,网上有电子版●有孩子时再读一遍●老爸嘴里那些段子的搞笑幽默是大家爱看的,粗话背后对价值观的坚持是大家认同的,凶悍背后的爱子情深是大家回味的。《Shit My Dad Says》读后感:美剧比书更有吸引力买了书是因为一直对同名美剧念念不舍。很可惜只拍了一季就没有了,也不知道他们当时是怎么想的。 书不如电视剧情节连贯栩栩如生,所以反而让我有嚼蜡的感觉。 不过毕竟是原著,一些段子还是很经典的。《Shit My Dad Says》读后感:sh*t my dad says逛urban outfitter,看了好多好玩有意思的偏门书籍和玩具,很潮的一个店,然后翻到这本书就立马爱不释手。不过当时心绪不佳,没有马上下手买,还是回家后在Amazon上买的,不到两天就寄到家了。 也许除了教材之外,这本是我第一个从头看到尾的英文书。也许短是其中一个原因。也许它真的很吸引人。 有些人真的说话很有艺术,脏话里都带着真情。这些话语其实没有动作神态相随,仅凭只字片语能穿透并悟到其中的感情,可见其语言的穿透力之强了。 短短的话语透出人生智慧,并且有很强的推动力,真的不知不觉会被其魅力所感染。 这本书是NY Times的#1 Bestseller。《Shit My Dad Says》读后感:话糙理不糙老爸嘴里那些段子的搞笑幽默是大家爱看的,粗话背后对价值观的坚持是大家认同的,凶悍背后的爱子情深是大家回味的。 难怪作者有写剧本的潜质,瞧他老爸出口成章句句台词,这禀赋DNA里早就有了。 就是光看笑话,我也不得不说,他老爸嘴里蹦出的那些个shit实在太欢乐了。 但又不只是欢乐而已。直白又搞笑,但句句话糙理不糙。这个满嘴脏话的老爸凶悍、较真一面的背后,是平实、善良和对儿子的爱。 另外要着重一提的是twitter对《Shit》的强力助推,没有推特,就没有这本书、CBS剧集以及一切,是那一百万推特follower成就了这坨《Shit》的辉煌。 爆笑、精炼,老爸语录的两大特征前者合乎网络语言的轻松氛围,后者更是天然适应twitter/微博类载体的传播,这两大因素决定了这些shit在twitter“广为传颂”。而作者能源源不断地从生活中挖出新段子,在推特上持续更新,这个持续性,以及段子背后价值观的性质(虽然很多脏话,但本质很积极向上的而不颓废下流),又决定了这个twitter ID会受到追捧,获得成功。而当你昨天还默默无闻,一觉醒来发现自己的twitter粉丝已经超过一百万——剩下的一切出书、拍片之类全都是水到渠成的事情了。 只要“老爸”得到正确的呈现而不遭到曲解,我乐于见到这一切,继续期待更多的shit,并祝他们全家,尤其这个满嘴“喷粪”的老爸越活越生猛。 ,最后一章那点“老爸掌故”真他妈感人啊……《Shit My Dad Says》读后感:You are a pain in the ass, but I love youFrom the beginning till the end, there are words all over the pages such as f**k, hell, shit, go**amn, etc. But if you think this book is about a load of crap spat out by a father, then you are terribly wrong. It’s a collection of a variety of subjects on which Justin’s father dispensed wisdom. The book is hilarious, although I have to admit that there are some parts where I don’t really get it. Justin’s father is not the “solving-all-your-problem” kind of guy, instead, he is calm and he knows what to do and who he is. Sometimes it feels like his attitude filled with assurance was saying something like what the fuss is about or don’t get so self-centered. Like the time when little Justin complained about sharing his bed with his grandpa, his father replied: "Who the hell says Grandpa wants to share a bed with you!” Isn’t this funny! He always offers a very different and interesting insight to whatever faces him. Many of his jokes are more vulgar than that, and I just laughed off all the way I read them. Although he may laugh at Justin’s remarks, he’s always there when Justin is really in need of him. “You always got us. We’re family. We ain’t going anywhere. Unless you go on a f****** killing spree or something.” I love the way he treats his son, more like a friend. He keeps a perfect distance, and that’s what many Chinese parents cannot do, let the children grow up at their own speed and make the choices by themselves. It seems a rare gift given by Justin’s father: love and independence. I can’t think of a better thing a father can say to his son:" You are a pain in the ass, but I love you."《Shit My Dad Says》读后感:some highlights in my eyes1. You can't go getting mad at people because they're shitty. Life will get mad at them, don't worry. 老天自有安排 2.When it's asshole-tightening time, thats when you see what people are made of. Or at least what their asshole is made of. 反之,无论何时always behave yourself and keep calm, if you still can't then try to pretend, at least. 3.Dont touch that knife. YOU never need to be holding a knife... i don't give a shit, learn how to butter stuff with a spoon. 老爹的霸蛮好q 4.If he wants to be an asshole and not share, then that's his right. You always have the right to be an asshole-- you just shouldn't use that right ver often. 管理好自己,至于别人,反正你也管不着 5.If she wants to serve only peas for the rest of fucking eternity you will sit there every goddamned day and eat them and say 'thank you' and ask for more. an extreme interpretation of the ties of kinship =.= 6.Why don't they just throw a fucking party every time you properly wipe your ass? o that's why i shouldn't overact too much sometimes 7.Be careful in choosing your next words. a cool way to warn somebody or rather, i'd prefer to put it as threatening = =. 8.If i knew how to fix that i'd be driving a Ferrari 200 miles an hour in the opposite direction of this house. you got me...... 9.I went with the obligatory no-one-will-question-this-excuse:" I think I have diarrhea." 10.All of your friends have dopey fucking haircuts, too, but you don't see me running to my barber. that's true. I don't need to be someone like someone. Just be myself and ignore all the stupid stuff people got. really don't give a shit. Generally, don't wear your emotions on your sleeves!! and the last sentence i want to share is "he spent his career doing cancer research as a doctor of nuclear medicine" it touched my so much because" his first wife who passes away from cancer shortly after having my brother Evan." RIP...

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