毕加索画小偷Picasso Portrayed the Thief

One day, a thief broke into Picasso’s home.
The housekeeper caught sight of the thief the moment he ran away. She picked up the pencil and paper to scrabble a portrait of him.
At the same time, Picasso who was sitting at the balcony saw the sneaker running, drew a picture of him too. When the police came, they both handed their sketches in.
与此同时,坐在阳台上的毕加索看 到这个鬼鬼祟祟逃跑的人,也给他画了一幅画。警察来了,毕加索和女管家都交 出他们画的素描。
The police caught the thief according to the housekeeper's picture, while lots of persons were taken to the station by mistake in the spirit of the painter's work.
警察对照女管家画的画儿抓住了小偷,而依照画家所画的人物 神态却抓错了许多人。

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