经典英语短文:真爱True Love

An ancient Hebrew1 text says, "Love is as strong as death."

It seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love. The increasing rates of poverty and crime and the incidence2 of war tell us that the world is in need of true love. But, what exactly is true love?

Love is something we all need, but how do we know that we’re experiencing it? duanwenw.com True love is best regarded as devotion and action, not emotion. Love is not merely based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criterion3 for love. True love is that you would lay down your life for him or her when you care enough about another person. When this happens, then love truly is "as strong as death".

How many of you have a father or a mother, husband or wife, duanwenw.com son or daughter or friend who would sacrifice his or her own life for yours? Those of you who truly love your spouse4 and children would unselfishly lay down your life to save them from death. Many people, in emergency rooms with their loved ones, have prayed, "God, please take me instead of them."
你们当中有多少人的父亲或母亲,丈夫或妻子,儿子或女儿,亦或朋友愿意为你而牺牲他(她)自己的生命? 那些真正爱着配偶或者孩子的人将无私地放弃自己的生命来拯救他们免于死亡。许多人都曾在急救室为他们所爱的人祈祷:"上帝, 请让我来代替他们。"

Find true love and become a true lover as well. May you find the love which is not only stronger than death but will also lead you to a truly fulfilling life.
找到真爱并成为一个真正的爱人。祝愿你们找到不仅比死亡还要强烈,英语小短文 而且能带给你们真正幸福生活的爱。

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