英语小短文:橡树和芦苇The Oak tree and the reeds

The Oak tree always thought that he was far stronger than the reeds. He said to himself: “ I stand upright in storm. I don’t bend my head in fear every time the wind  blows. But these reeds really are so weak.” That very night blew a storm and the mighty oak tree was uprooted.  “ duanwenw.com Thank god! ” sighed the reeds, “ Our way is better. We bend but we do not break. ”

英语小短文带翻译:橡树总是觉得自己比芦苇要强得多。他对自己说,“ 我可以在风暴中抬头挺胸。无论风吹多大,我都不会低下自己的头。这些芦苇可真弱。”就在当天晚上,这棵橡树被连根拔起。“ 谢天谢地,”芦苇长吁了一口气,“ 还是我们的生存方式好,我们能弯,因此不至于被折断。”

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