允许别人嘲笑,但是不要嘲笑别人 Put up with Raill

允许别人嘲笑,但是不要嘲笑别人 Put up with Raillery, but do not 

The first is a form of courtesy, the second may lead to embarrassment. To snarl at play has something of the beast and seems to have more. Audacious raillery is delightful: to stand it proves power. To show oneself annoyed causes the other to be annoyed. Best leave it alone; the surest way not to put on the cap that might fit. duanwenw.com The most serious matters have arisen out of jests. Nothing requires more tact and attention. Before you begin to joke know how far the subject of your joke is able to bear it.
前者是一种雅量,后者会让你陷入尴尬。 在玩乐时动不动就发脾气的人如野兽,甚至比野兽还野蛮。绝妙的玩笑令人心情开朗, 而知道怎样接受玩笑则是才能的标记。若你表现出正在生气,那只会让其他人更多地挑剔你。避免被人当成傻瓜的最可靠方法是,最好不去理会。在玩笑中往往会产生严肃的问题。没有比开玩笑需要更多的警觉和技巧的了。在开玩笑之前,要弄清楚对方能承受你的玩笑的程度。

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