亲情英语美文:给儿子的一封公开信Open Letter to

亲爱的儿子:Dear Son,
I remember the first time I saw you, you were so small and helpless. duanwenw.com I knew right away I would love you.

As you grew, there were smiles and kisses. The first time I heard the words "DA DA" from your lips, I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. It has been my pleasure to hold your hand as we crossed over life’s path together.
父爱英语美文:给儿子的一封公开信Open Letter to My Son

Today, I must look at you a little differently. I see you standing there at the beginning of adulthood. I think that my son has become a man. This thought gives me both pleasure and pain!

I cannot help but ask myself, "Have I prepared you for this time?" I know there were times I made mistakes as a father. There were times I was too hard, and also, times I was not hard enough. With your cooperation, you have become the person you are today. I have been told that I have a young gentleman for a son. duanwenw.com I hope someday you will be able to experience the gladness that such statements give a father.

There is before you a new start. I wish I could lead you by the hand and protect you for the rest of our lives, but such is not the way of a man. You have to be responsible for your decisions. In the end, I want you to know that your mother and I are happy to see you graduating from high school.
I Love You.

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