英语经典短文:拥有今天Today Is All We Have

The new day is here, and so are you! Now that we’ve started this new day, I hope that you’re ready to give it your best, and enjoy it for all it’s worth!

Remember today that you are alive.

Sometimes we forget that you have a purpose that is all your own, no one else is you. duanwenw.com You have dreams and hopes and desires. Listen to your heart for a while.

Remember today all the blessings you have: There’s beauty in every direction you look; enjoy the abundance* that is already yours; the world is a wonderful place and you’re here.

Remember today that you get what you give: Your world is a mirror of your inner self; duanwenw.com love will be yours when you give it away.

Remember today that life is creation: As long as you live you can always con-tribute your own special voice.

Remember today is a special time; make the best of it while you can.

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