否定是一份礼物Rejection Is a Gift

Rejection is not about you; it’s someone who makes a choice based on their own needs and goals.
You cannot control another person. What we can change is the way we choose to interpret another person’s choice. Each of us here on Earth is entitled* to their own journey.
Rejection shows us our next opportunities for growth. It guides us to the wounds that we have within. The suffering we feel leads us to greater levels of self-awareness if we choose to learn and grow from the experience. When someone rejects us it shows us how sensitive we are and the ways we are probably still questioning and doubting ourselves.
If you don’t reject you, nobody else can, either. An important key to moving beyond rejection is to learn to love and accept yourself for who you are. If you accept and love yourself fully, does it matter if someone walks out on you? You listen to their comments, thank them for their honesty, smile or shrug and then move on with your day.
Rejection is a gift. It opens the door to new things, better-suited friends and partners, and fresh experiences. It is a blessing when people tell the truth! By doing this, they save us time and energy. I would much prefer someone to be real with me than to pretend that everything is perfect.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)