充实你的思想Feed Your Mind

If you are hungry, what do you do?

Grab your favorite meal and stay quiet? Just like your stomach, your mind can be hungry, too, but it never lets you know because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and a number of other silly things. So it silently pays attention to your needs and never lets itself grow. When the mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity stops. Well, this is the result of using our brains to think of unimportant things.
The hunger of the mind can be satisfied through wide reading.
Reading is one of our most helpful tools which we have used since childhood. duanwenw.com We have to read to get help. When you read a book, you don’t just run your eyes across the lines. You should put your mind into it while you are reading. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. duanwenw.com This seed will be unknowingly used in the future when you develop new ideas. If used many times, the seed can help you link a lot of things together which you would never have thought of before! This is nothing but creativity.

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