我所追求的生活The Life I Desire

经典英语短文:The Life I Desire,That must be the story of many couples, and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace1.

It reminds you of a calm stream with little fish swimming freely up and down in it and birds flying in the sky. It winds smoothly through green farms and is shaded by pleasant trees till at last it pours into the vast sea. However, the sea is so calm, so silent and so indifferent that you are troubled suddenly by an unclear uneasiness3. Perhaps it is only a bend in my nature, but it was strong in me even in those days.

I felt that there was something wrong in such a way of life, while the way of life was shared by most of people. I recognized4 the social value of this way of life. I saw its ordered happiness and I saw its nature of peace, calm and shyness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to be something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart, my desire was to live more dangerously. I would go on expeditions through jungles which were filled with difficulties and danger. duanwenw.com I would fly on horseback through grasslands as fast as the horse could run. I would try to jump into the high sky and raft in the white water. I was always ready to climb rough rocks and steep cliffs.

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