英语美文:寻找新世界Opening Eyes to a New World

经典英语短文带翻译:Many a time we find ourselves right in the middle of a storm. We see nothing is working in our favor. We feel like our existence or non-existence doesn’t make any difference.

All of us go through this at some stage in our lives. Many people call it a rough time. duanwenw.com How do we decide if a time is rough for us or good? It’s nothing but a state of mind.

When something takes place, people say it was destined to be. But who made it so? We and our deeds. duanwenw.com Nothing bad is destined or nothing good is pre-written. So if things are not looking pretty, maybe it’s time to have a look at yourself and bring out your hidden talent and strength.

No one is born evil and no one is born a genius. It is just what we want to make of our life. There is nothing we cannot achieve with what we have, but we need will power to make it happen. First, one has to believe in oneself. You cannot build your credit on what you are going to do. So let your deeds speak.

Look inside of yourself and open your eyes to a new world. duanwenw.com So when the outer world has come to its limit, find a shelter in your inner-self. You might have made some mistakes, but it’s never too late to make a new beginning. Life is full of opportunities. If you can’t see them, then create them.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s enter that new world and have a new start.

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