经典英语美文:面朝南方Facing South

An old friend used to say to me, "When you are thinking of buying a new house, go and see it on a cloudy day. If you like it then, you need not doubt about liking it in better weather."
英语美文短文:面朝南方Facing South

We all enjoy the sun. The sun is the source of heat and life to the earth. Yet people are still to be found who deliberately shut out the sun from their rooms, and are unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does. In this country, especially, we know the value of "facing south".

Are we not like houses? We have eyes instead of windows, but we face south, north, east, or west. Who does not know the men and the women facing north? Hard and cold, never letting a ray of sun-shine into their souls. They stand away from all the cheers and warmth of our poor humanity. They are the people who pour cold water on all our enthusiasms, have no faith in human nature, no sympathy with human sufferings.

You must know such people. They are not rich people, perfectly healthy, or people without sorrows. On the contrary, they have had a full measure of misfortune. But they have never changed their outlooks4 on life, in their faith in all things working together for good, in their belief that they are in this world to help where help is needed. What a consolation5 such people are! We go to them in entire confidence. We leave them the better and the brighter, with a firmer step, and the determination to win through the difficulties. They are "facing south".

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)