爱的英语短文:心间Among the Hearts

He took in all the special sights while strolling through the mall; Hearts of every shape and size were hanging on the wall. He smiles and thinks the Christmas things are put away this year; the theme now is a valentine and that day now draws near.

He stands before the candy store amazed at what he sees; duanwenw.com Hearts of every shape and size replaced the Christmas trees. He sees excitement on the faces of the people there; Looking for that special thing for their loved ones to share.

He turns and sees a couple standing, locking arm in arm; In a jeweler’s window pointing to a heart-shaped charm. He watches as the young girl leans to give her man a kiss; He smiles and thinks “ah yes ,young love" can there be more than this?

He sees an older couple now and once again he stops; Peering in the window of one of the mall’s card shops. Maybe in their 40"s or at least he’s sure midlife; With wedding rings so he assumes a husband and a wife.

He sees them looking through the cards and sharing what they say; And to himself he thinks that one time he had shopped that way. He watches as she grabs a card and reads the verse within; Then shows her husband what it says and both begin to grin.

He watches as they both read cards and to each other show; And thinks this simple little thing together makes love grow. If they were married young in life and little things still share; He turns to walk away and thinks, "That’s true love growing there."

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)