励志英语短文:停止Just Quit

Quit making excuses! Making excuses or blaming others for any situation in your life is nothing more than playing the victim.
Take responsibility! Make your life decisions, and if you don’t, then it’s your fault. You are a spiritual being in a physical body, and your spirit should run your life. Take it back! Make today the day you quit playing the victim by making excuses and blaming others for what happens to you.
Quit procrastinating! Cancer is not the most deadly killer; procrastination is. It kills dreams. It kills your future. Never use the phrase “I’ll try”. There is no such thing as trying. Pay attention when others use this phrase: ninety-nine percent of the time they do nothing. The words are just an easy way to comfort oneself.
Quit thinking self-defeating thoughts! Quit thinking that you can’t do what you want to do. It’s not what you are that’s holding you back; it’s what you think you are. You were given all the equipment you need to accomplish anything you desire. Use that power today.
As for bad habits: just quit! Take the challenge. Pick one, and quit it this week. Next week pick another, and so on. Improve your life by being a “quitter” now.

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