明确目标,制定计划Identification of Goals and Planning

Every action in life is to satisfy a specific purpose. The purpose or need leads to planning and action on the part of the doer1. The person, who wants to accomplish a specific goal first lays out2 a plan. By being regular in his duties and responsibilities, he works towards his goal in short bursts3. After every burst or period of time, he makes sure that what he has done matches what he had planned to do. The closer the plan is to what is done, the better the chance that the duanwenw.com  goal can be achieved in the set time.
In short, we identify our goals ourselves, but the planning of the education system is done by the education ministry in our area. Once we have identified our goals, we pursue specialized courses to help us reach our goals. This is done in a systematic4 manner, starting from the basics in primary school to major specialization in something like engineering. Many times, however, it so happens that we lose track and wander around trying to reach unreachable goals.
Only realistic goals are reachable. Set achievable goals. Then, after setting a goal, duanwenw.com break it into smaller pieces that have to be achieved within certain time frames. Once all of pieces have been completed, the set goal is accomplished!

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