励志英语短文:我是我自己的阳光I Am My Sunshine

A very old song tells us that "you are my sunshine".
It’s all right to believe that someone brings sunshine into your life. That someone might have enough to spread1 round. But, if you really have to wait for someone else to be your sunshine, your good feelings, then you might wait for a long time.
Now is the time to be of good cheer, this very moment. Don’t wait for anyone else to determine your mood. You have completely control4 of your own disposition5. You have the choice. There is no other way.
Your present moment of good cheer will carry you to the next, and you will be in control of that moment also. You are worth6 having good. Go for it!

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)