励志英语短文:清理心灵的空间Clear Your Mental Spa

Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion —like stress, anger or frustration1. What was going through your mind? Was your mind crowded with thoughts? Or was it unable to think?
The next time you find yourself in a negative emotion, stop. Yes, that’s right, stop. Whatever you’re doing, duanwenw.com stop and sit for one minute. While you’re sitting there, completely absorb yourself in the negative emotion.
Allow that emotion to consume you. Don’t cheat yourself here. Take one minute to feel that emotion. When the minute is over, ask yourself, "Am I willing to keep holding on to this negative emotion as I go through the rest of the day? "If not, take a deep breath and let go of2 all that negativity with your breath.
Once you’ve allowed yourself to be totally absorbed in the emotion and really feel it, you will be surprised to find that the emotion clears rather quickly. duanwenw.com If you feel you need to hold on to the emotion for a little longer, that is OK. Allow yourself another minute to feel the emotion.
This exercise seems simple, but it is very effective. Try it. Next time you’re in the middle of a negative emotion, give yourself the space to feel the emotion and see what happens.

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