迈出第一步Take the First Step

In a time when the economy is still a bit shaky1, and so many still out of work, there may be more than a few people struggling to believe in themselves.

The loss of a job, loss of health, or loss of a home can make a person begin to develop self-doubt. But it is more important during the tough times to keep a positive view than in the good times.

It’s quite easy to have self-confidence when things are bad in your life. When you are feeling good about who you are, duanwenw.com then others find it easy to do so as well. But when you begin to doubt yourself, your self-confidence wanes2, and so does the confidence others have in you. This disappearance of confidence extends to work and family, in fact to nearly every aspect of your life.

So what is the solution? It’s quite simple. Continue to believe in yourself. No doubt this is much easier said than done, but if you believe in yourself, your problems will be solved, and then your belief itself will grow.

So when you run into difficulties, as all of us do, remember to remain positive not only about the situation, but about yourself. The first step in getting others to believe in you is believing in yourself.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)