将潜能转化为行动Putting Potential into Action

These days there are a lot of talks about people’s inborn abilities. Great speakers stress the fact that everybody has a lot of potential which if put into action could bring incredible results.

It may be hard for a person to believe in himself or herself, especially if one comes from a humble background. duanwenw.com But the truth is that your success should not be tied to your academic performance or childhood experiences. The fact that you don’t do well in your class work can not be used to fully declare you a failure in life. Remember that there are so many success stories that were born away from classrooms. All you need to do is to identify your inner abilities and put them into action.
励志英语短文带翻译Putting Potential into Action将潜能转化为行动

Unfortunately, many people waste their time just imitating others, and never get around to finding their own talents. I’ve also met people with more than four undergraduate degrees, who end up practicing just one profession; it means that they have been trying to locate their happiness. duanwenw.com You will only find satisfaction when you discover your inborn potential. Once you’ve found it, acting to realize it becomes relatively easy.

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