给自己的礼物Gifts That You Give Yourself

Are you burdened  by your conesquences, or is your life blessed by the consequences you create? That depends entirely on the choices you make.

It may seem at times that the consequences are there to punish you. Actually, they are there as a manifestation of your thoughts, your actions and your attitude.

You cannot change the consequences that flow from specific actions. However, you can indeed change the actions you choose to take, and, by so doing, you can decide what consequences you create.

Consequences are gifts that you give to yourself, created by the choices you make. If you don’t like the consequences you have been getting, that is a clear message that you are sending yourself.

Positive and meaningful thoughts and actions bring desirable conesquences. As reliably as day follows night, the way you live creates the life you experience.

Take control of your consequences by putting positive intention into your choices. Make use of the power you have, and you can go wherever you choose.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)