英语故事:泥人和木偶The Clay Figure and the Wooden Image

When Lord Meng Chang decided to leave his native land the State of Qi to take office in the State of Qin, hundreds of men tried to advise him against going. But he would not listen to them. Then Su Jin wanted to reason with him.
“I have heard all the arguments men can think of,” said Lord Meng Chang. “All that’s lacking duanwenw.com  is some supernatural reasoning”
“I came here with no purpose of discussing human affairs,” replied Su Jin. “I am asking for an audience to speak of the supernatural.”
Then the lord agreed, and Su Jin told the following story:
“Passing a River on my way here, I heard a clay figure and a wooden image talking together.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)