如何面对未来How to face the future

Future is always unknown to us, but to some extent we can foresee what will most likely come out. We can strive for the best.

Wise people learn from past experiences and try to arrange for the future. They are always making preparations so as to jump on a future chance. They know where they are and expect where they will arrive in the future.

On the other hand, idle people do not seem to give serious thoughts about the future. duanwenw.com They are just like floating leaves, drifting  aimlessly. The best place they can get to is where the tide carries thorn.

We sometimes hear a friend that he is worried about something. He is not quite certain of the future and can't plan for it. He needs advice, perhaps.

One must have faith in the future. Worrying will never do any good. As long as one is sensible and does one's best, one can expect a bright future or at least avoid something unpleasant.

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