守株待兔 Waiting by the tree for the hare

Long long ago in the State of Song, there was a farmer who used to go to the fields to work everyday. One day he saw a hare run in panic and bump against a tree. He went up and found it dead.
“That’s not had. I can have a free dinner tonight, ” he thought and picked up the hare.
He went home and got the hare grilled. The meat was delicious and the farmer wished he could get a hare like that everyday, Early next morning he went straight to the same tree and waited. A neighbour passed by and asked him, “What are you doing by the tree?” “Waiting for another hare to bump against, ” replied the farmer.
The day went by without the farmer seeing any hare. He became so hungry that he seemed to feel the worms in his stomach turning. At dusk, his neighbour passed by again and greeted him, “Hey, I’m going home for supper.”
But the farmer stayed on to wait for his hare, that never turned up. A year went by and he became thinner for every day that passed.
Finally, the farmer was starved to death before any hare came his way. The lesson of this story is: the vain hope of getting something for nothing will never be rewarded.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)