我丈夫的骨头My Husband’s Bones

Mr. Grey was a biology professor, and he had a big collection of extremely rare bones which he was very proud of. Then one year he managesd to get a new and better job at another university. Because Mr. Grey was very busy, his wife made the arrangements for all their possessions to be taken in a moving van to their new home while he was away at work.
格雷先生是一位生物学教授,他收集了许多引以为自豪的极其少有的骨头。后来,有一年, 他在另一所大学设法搞到了一份新的而且较好的工作。因为格雷先生很忙,所以由他的妻子安排找人把他们所有的财产搬进搬家汽车里,当她丈夫上班不在家时,就搬到他们的新居去。
The following week three men started taking the things out of Mrs. Grey’s house and loading them into the van, when one of them brought out a large wooden box. He was just about to throw it into the van with all the other things when Mrs. Grey ran out of her house and said,” Please treat that box very gently! That one has all of my husband’s bones in it.”
下一周,三个人开始从格雷先生的房子里把东西搬出来,并搬到搬家汽车里,这时,其中一人搬出一只大木箱。正当他就要把这只箱子连同其它的东西扔进车里时,这时格雷夫人从房子里跑出来说道,“ 请小心轻放这只箱子!我丈夫所有的骨头都在这箱子里。”
The man was so surprised that he nearly dropped the box on his feet.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)